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To Be Together  2011

As more and more technology applications go into campus life, it creates more and more communication limitations for college students in campus environment. This communication gradually depends on networks, which not only reduces the quality of real human contact, but also brings many psychological problems. After research, I found out that, on one hand, colleges’ environment settings cannot satisfy students communication desires. On the other hand, the campus are lacking interesting and functional activities and communication forms. Moreover, from the psycology researches, in-person interviews, I further proved that the student background difference is not the fundamental reason of impeding communication. The very important reason for lacking effevtive communication, is the sensitive impulsive students personality, willing to express but the campus has no right environment, etc.. I am tring to put forward the concept of “emptiness” against these reasons.


I have researched, designed questionnaires, and got design concepts in two perspectives for this project. One is from psychology aspect, and the another is from the environment aspect.


Researching, Product design, 3D modeling, filming, video editing 

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